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Telecom Engineer jobs in Bulgaria (1), Finland (1), France (3), Germany (7), Ireland (1), Luxembourg (1), Multiple Countries (1), Poland (2), Portugal (1), Spain (4) and Sweden (1).
The successful candidate should have at least 5 years of experience preferably in Satellite Mission Operations Preparation, namely software support, lifecycle maintenance...
Managing, designing and maintaining networks employed within the national maritime communication service. Being project lead on infrastructure design, research, planning...
The main task will be the design, implement and testing of electronic and optoelectronics systems. Participate in tasks related to new product development, including planning, task...
Establish and maintain a systems engineering and technical framework for the realization of the ALMA development programme. Develop and update system requirements, ensuring the...
Managing, planning and executing all EPS-Sterna operation preparations activities, to cover system, space and ground segment aspects, preparing the EPS-Sterna operations until...
EUMETSAT is seeking two experienced professionals to join the Copernicus Programme Office (CPO) in the Operations and Support to Users (OPS) Department. These positions will play a...
Management of the EPS-Sterna Mission Control Operations (MCO) sub-segment, ensuring an overall coherence of the MCO architecture with system architecture and with the common...
Monitor the security and system status of the Components of the Union Space Programme included in the GSMC SOC perimeter, handle incidents and security alerts, operate the GSMC...
You will act as the off-site technical lead, coordinating and supporting off-site maintenance activities for ESO deliverables to the ALMA Observatory. You will also be responsible...
Managing overall baseband HW competence area maintenance works. Design and implementation of needed baseband hardware modifications. Contributing to integration, verification, test...
EuroTechJobs is the job board for software, hardware and tech jobs all over Europe for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies. Jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, UK and more. Find jobs as a C++, C#, Java, PHP or Python developer, using SQL, Oracle, Linux, Unix, telecoms, or as business analyst, hardware engineer, project manager, sys admin, or test analyst.
Space-Careers is a specialist niche job board made for space industry professionals. We have space industry jobs for international job seekers in companies ranging from large multinationals to cutting-edge start-ups. Find jobs in Ground Systems, Consulting, Engineering, Satellite Operators, Launch Systems, Space Business Services, and more.