Frequently Asked Questions

Registering your CV - Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I store my details?

Uploading your details to our CV Database means that your details will be available to us to perform searches for hundreds of European policy and public affairs, international relations, legal, economics, business, finance and communication recruiters. Also, you may get selected for jobs that are not advertised elsewhere.

In order to get the most from our system, you should update your details and your CV regularly.

Who can see my details and CV?

We take your privacy very seriously. The personal data that you submit will only be used for recruitment purposes, which include EuroJobsites and recruiters evaluating and contacting you regarding your interest in employment, and forwarding your candidature to potential recruiters. For more details see our privacy policy here

I need help filling in the form

Each field in the form has a help "?". Click this and you will see a help window appear for help with that field. Fields marked with "*" must be filled in.

What should I include in my CV?

You should include things such as any relevant experience, your educational background and specialist skills. You may wish to look at our CV guide page here which has tips on what to include, and how to structure your CV.

What format should my CV be?

Please upload Word documents or pdf files only - other document types won't be searched.

How do I select a language level?

Scroll down and click so the language and skill level you have is selected. Click the ">" button to move the language and skill level into the right-hand box. Repeat until you have all the languages with skill level shown in the right-hand box. Remember to include your mother-tongue language. If you are a fluent speaker, but do not write and read to fluent level, select skill level "Fluent (spoken only)".

You don't list my degree type

If your degree type is not listed on our website, then try to select the broader subject area which your degree belongs to. So, for example, if your degree is in 'European Law' then select 'Law'

There is already candidate with the specified details

If you have registered with another EuroJobsites website, you may get this error message when you try to register. Instead you can login using your existing login and password, and then go to My Profile to add details needed for this website, such Areas of Special Interest and specialist degree types.

How do I update my details later?

Just log in with your email and password, then select 'My Profile' in the menu to edit your profile and update your CV.

I've forgotten my password, what do I do?

If you've forgotten your password, click the 'Password Reminder' link on the login page. Enter the email address you registered with, and instructions will be sent to that address.

How do I change my password?

Once you've logged in, click "Change Password" in the menu, then you can enter a new password

How do I increase my chances of being selected?

Make sure you have filled in all the parts of the form. Make sure you enter all the languages you speak, plus all enter the areas you specialise in. Add particular skills to the keywords section (like specialist computer programs you know, such as "Java"). Add anything that will help a recruiter select you in the Further Information box, like "I am happy to travel for work". Also make sure your contains keywords that may be searched on.

How do I remove my details from your database?

Login to the system here. Go to the Edit Profile page and look in the "Hide or remove your profile" section at the bottom of the page. You can remove your profile and CV, or hide them from recruiters, by clicking the relevant links.

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